Chatafam (Beta)

If you value time, family, and privacy and you feel alienated on social media. We are building a better platform for you. Sign up today. 

If you are an innovator or an affluent individual who values time, family and privacy sign up today. 

Connect with those who matter most

Make traditional family values great again.

Chatafam, is a groundbreaking platform meticulously crafted to prioritize user privacy, nurture real connections, and encourage purposeful interactions. We are building a more private, safe place to connect and communicate authentically with close friends and family.


We offer a richer, more rewarding user experience compared to the shallow connections prevalent on other platforms. Only 150 openings available.

2247  Station Street,
Oakland, CA,
California 94612
Get Early Access to Chatafam
Start earning points and get rewards in (beta)
* For people who value time, meaningful connections and privacy.